The US Adventure in Western Sahara: From Ford to Trump

  • Domingo Garí

    Dr. Garí is an associate professor in the Geography and History Department at the University of La Laguna, Canary Islands.

This article analyzes the involvement of American governments in the Moroccan war against the Polisario Front, from the Ford administration to the Trump presidency. The consultation of primary sources clarifies particular aspects of this involvement and indicates the role each actor has played in this conflict. The determined support of Republican administrations for the Moroccan side was due to their interests in consolidating reactionary allies in North Africa and shoring up their policies in the Middle East. There is a clear parallel between Morocco’s war with the Sahrawis and Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. Although the American preference for Morocco is evident, and its support has prolonged the war, it should be pointed out that the main perpetrator was King Hassan II, who launched the conquest to strengthen his power at a time when his leadership was in question and his throne in danger.

  • Domingo Garí

    Dr. Garí is an associate professor in the Geography and History Department at the University of La Laguna, Canary Islands.

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