
About Us

The Middle East Policy Council, established in 1981, is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to fostering informed dialogue and understanding. Our nonpartisan stance ensures credibility and reliability in our educational endeavors focused on the Middle East region.

Mission and Goals

The Middle East Policy Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1981 whose mission is to contribute to the understanding of the political, economic and cultural issues that affect U.S. interests in the Middle East. This is accomplished through three pillars: Our quarterly journal Middle East Policy, one of the world’s most cited publications on the region, and its Breaking Analysis series that presents high-quality, diverse analysis to a broader audience; our Policy Products and Programming Series, which provides policymakers and stakeholders with tailored events and resources; and TeachMideast, our acclaimed international educational and cultural outreach initiative for students, educators, and other civic leaders.


We extend an invitation for support from individuals, corporations, and organizations aligned with our mission. Secure online donations can be made here.  For inquiries regarding public and private sponsorship opportunities, kindly reach out to Bassima Alghussein, MEPC's Executive Director, at balghussein@mepc.org.

Alternatively, checks can be made payable to 'The Middle East Policy Council' and sent to our address at:

Middle East Policy Council
Attn: Bassima Alghussein
P.O. Box 33877, Washington, D.C. 20033

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