Assessing Israel’s Motives In Annexing the Jordan Valley

  • Fadi Nahhas

    Dr. Nahhas is a researcher in political science and a lecturer in the Department of History at Beit Berl College in Israel.



This article analyzes Israel’s motives in annexing the Jordan Valley—a plan that, if approved, will eliminate any possibility of establishing a Palestinian state, even on a small part of historic Palestine. This promises to be one of the most critical strategic turning points in the contemporary Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The analysis reveals that the Israeli annexation decision, even if postponed, has become a reality imposed by Israel on the international community, insinuated into formal and official government announcements and declarations. In addition, the article highlights the danger of imposing Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley since it carries with it a threat to regional stability. As part of this examination, the study traces the development of the positions of successive Israeli governments toward the issue of annexing this region, from 1967 through the dissolution of the Netanyahu government in 2021.

  • Fadi Nahhas

    Dr. Nahhas is a researcher in political science and a lecturer in the Department of History at Beit Berl College in Israel.

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