An Appeal from the Council

We live in critical times. Public and private debate about Iran’s nuclear program, the quest for an Israeli-Palestinian peace and Islamophobia in the United States highlight the continued need for balanced and informed perspectives on American policy in the Middle East.

For almost 30 years, the Middle East Policy Council has informed this dialogue. Our quarterly journal Middle East Policy and Capitol Hill Conference Series dissect timely debates and productively challenge the conventional wisdom. Our teacher workshops empower educators with background and tools so that their students can appreciate the totality of Middle Eastern culture.

Roger Cohen wrote last week in the New York Times that “President Barack Obama had virtually no domestic constituency for his attempt to denounce the continued growth of settlements as unacceptable and as undermining a two-state peace at its core: land.”  Throughout our existence, the Middle East Policy Council has provided a crucial voice for this underrepresented constituency and we are committed to continuing this role.

We also live in challenging economic times. Our budget relies on the generosity of individuals to survive and our 2010 operating expenses exceeded our fundraising. Please help us close this gap by making an end of year, tax-deductible donation. The Council is a tax exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Click here to make a secure donation. The entire staff at the Middle East Policy Council thanks you for your generosity and support.


Frank Anderson

President, Middle East Policy Council

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