Solidarity Statement by Organizations and Individuals Against Racism and Discrimination

  • Middle East Policy

    Middle East Policy has been one of the world’s most cited publications on the region since its inception in 1982, and our Breaking Analysis series makes high-quality, diverse analysis available to a broader audience.

The Middle East Policy Council (MEPC) Board of Directors and staff support the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation (WCAPS) in their mission to advance the leadership and professional development of women of color in the fields of international peace, security, and conflict transformation. Confronting injustice, inequality and racism in the United States is critical for an organization like the MEPC which promotes U.S. values in the greater Middle East. 

In becoming a signatory to the WCAPS Solidarity Statement on Racism and Discrimination, the MEPC commits to truly combat racism and to work on this issue every day. This statement calls on individuals and organizations to:

  • Actively change the face of international peace and security by ensuring that our organizations reflect the diversity of America and at all levels.
  • Diversify our boards of directors and advisory committees to include Black people and people of color.
  • Elevate the voices of Black people and people of color in the media and through other public engagements.
  • Educate our leadership and staff on the prevention of racism and discrimination, and on their detrimental impacts.
  • Call out racism and share the burden of dismantling white supremacy.
  • Acknowledge microaggressions and their detrimental impact on Black people and people of color in the workplace.
  • Provide support, including financial support and resources, to groups that are led by Black people and people of color that promote our values.
  • Acknowledge the contributions of Black people and people of color and credit their work in the fields of international peace and security.
  • Develop a safe workplace where Black people and people of color can share their concerns on issues of racism and racial discrimination.
  • Develop meaningful diversity, inclusion, and equity strategies for Black people and people of color, and our efforts on gender diversity will include women of color.
  • Develop processes for hiring individuals from local and low-income communities.
  • Develop mentorship programs for Black people and people of color in our organizations.

To access the full statement and to add your organization or network’s name to the list of signatories, please click here.

  • Middle East Policy

    Middle East Policy has been one of the world’s most cited publications on the region since its inception in 1982, and our Breaking Analysis series makes high-quality, diverse analysis available to a broader audience.

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