Book Author:
Reviewer: Robert Brenton Betts
Reviewer Title: Visiting professor of history, the University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon
Publishing Info: Second Class: Discrimination against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools, Human Rights Watch, 2001. x + 187 pages. $18.50, paperback.
Reviewer: Robert Brenton Betts
Reviewer Title: Visiting professor of history, the University of Balamand, Tripoli, Lebanon
Publishing Info: Second Class: Discrimination against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools, Human Rights Watch, 2001. x + 187 pages. $18.50, paperback.
Overlooking Nazareth: The Ethnography of Exclusion in Galilee, Dan Rabinowitz. Cambridge University Press, 1997. xiv + 222 pages. $26.88.
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