Welcome to the Future of Growth


As a green-field venture, every aspect of Duqm’s infrastructure development is being conceptualized, planned and executed to make it future-proof. Thus, from the road networks, power and water utilities and telecom systems to the energy corridors, drainage channels and waste management facilities, Duqm’s infrastructure will be both comprehensive and world-class. Investors can take advantage of the SEZ’s plug-and-play capabilities to get their businesses up and running in a snap.


Multimodal Connectivity


Multimodal connectivity encompassing road, air, maritime and rail-based transportation in the future effectively places Duqm within reach of around three billion consumers across the Middle East, South Asia and East Africa. Add to this matrix extensive end-to-end logistics and you have an integrated hub that gives you speedy, efficient and unmatched global access from the Middle East.

As an industrial and logistics hub, Duqm is being developed to world-scale dimensions. Expansive six-lane carriageways link the SEZ with highways connecting Duqm with the capital Muscat (around 600 km to the north), the second largest city Salalah (some 550km to the south), as well as gas fields in the hinterland. A green-field airport located within the SEZ receives daily flights from Muscat, but is also equipped to handle international flights and jumbo freighters. On the waterside, Duqm’s deep-water port is being readied to receive all manner of container, bulk and other merchant ships laden with merchandise for trade, transshipment and processing. In addition, in the none-too-distant future, rail connectivity will be a reality as well.


Business-Friendly Ethos


Conceived as a business-friendly and investment-ready destination, Duqm SEZ has been primed to cater to the needs of internal and external investors. To this end, the SEZ’s regulatory policies have been structured to offer a differentiated approach designed to attract, retain and grow firms and to support their business needs.

Our One-Stop-Shop, offers a simplified methodology for registering your business and investment interest. Your application is speedily processed against a checklist of criteria, while a dedicated team engages with you directly to assess your specific requirements in the form of leased land, labour, utilities, and so on. Underpinning this process is a friendly, yet efficient approach that seeks to take your application through to its logical end in a speedy manner.


Investment Incentives / Regulations


• Duqm SEZ offers an integrated package of incentives and benefits designed to provide investors with a distinct, competitive advantage when they set up their businesses in this strategically located oceanfront hub. The list includes:

• Tax exemption for 30 years from the date of commencement of operations, renewable for a further 30 years. This exemption does not apply to banks, financial institutions, insurance and reinsurance companies, telecommunication services providers and land transport companies – unless registered with SEZAD and licensed to operate continuously within SEZ limits

• Up to 100% foreign ownership

• Exemption from minimum capital requirements as stipulated in the Commercial Companies Law and other statutes

• No currency restrictions

• Exemption from the provisions of the Commercial Agency Law

• Free repatriation of profits and capital

• Usufruct agreements up to 50 years, renewable for similar periods

• Freedom to import all kinds of goods (with the exception of legally banned merchandise) without prior approval or permit unless classified as explosives or chemical products. To import such products, investors should abide by the laws and regulations in force

• Imported goods are not subject to any restrictions related to the retention period in the Zone, unless otherwise specified by SEZAD Board of Directors. Investors are also free to transport these goods within or into any other free zone inside the Sultanate

• Finished or assembled products in the area are treated as locally produced goods

• Enterprises have the right to open representative offices inside the custom jurisdiction subject to their registration in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the Sultanate

• The One-Stop Station provides all necessary services to investors. Through this window, investors can obtain the requisite permits, licenses, approvals and visas as well as registration of enterprises

• Speedy and efficient processing of applications for expatriate work force. The process shall take not more than five working days from the date of submission

• Visas for expatriates and their dependants will be issued by the Passport and Residence Department set up in the SEZ

• Customs has been modernised to ensure speedy processing of goods and transactions


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